Monday, September 30, 2019

How People Handle Grief Essay

Grief can be elucidated as a natural human reaction to loss. People in different stages of their life span undergo with grief when there is a major loss (Linda, 2000). People usually assume of grief as happening in the perspective of bereavement, death of a loved one, a close relationship ends through separation, or when a person is enforced to give up some facet of life that was imperative. This paper focuses on grief, which entails an entire range of emotions and experiences and various ways to deal with grief. Introduction Grief is a general attribute of human existence. It is not related to specific culture, though it is experienced by humans in varied form and intensity. Robert Burton described grief as a ‘cruel torment’. Scientifically, it is first described as people who had suffered sadness under traumatic circumstances, or who had looked for psychiatric assistance to overcome troubles linked with grief. Grief can be experienced under two broad circumstances, one, when a sudden and traumatic death of a dependent relationship, it involved strong and prolonged mournful and the other, related with the repression of throbbing thoughts or with an bitter relationship, involved deferred grief. When grief is experienced under traumatic circumstances it is labeled as a post-traumatic stress disorder. It exhibits severe and exaggerated types of grief responses such as severe depression or pronounced panic or anxiety, can lead to a psychiatric diagnosis (Kim and Jacobs, 1993; Prigerson, 1994). Robert Burton highlighted that grief can have adverse effect on health, and gave reference to examples of historical figures who lost their life because of grief, such as the Roman Emperor Severus (Archer, pg-3). Dealing with grief The concept of grief is usually understood when it is triggered by a specific loss that is why resolution can only be attained through a long and intricate process of face up to thoughts of the loss, and that there are no easy ways to come up from grieving state. Grieving people mull over their loss in thought, and since its cause is a specific event, therefore it subsides over a period of time. Cobb and Lindemann (1943) wrote, â€Å"It seems that the grieving person can delay his grieving period but not avoid it† (Archer, pg: 108). There are individual differences, so each person grieves in his own manner and take his own time to overcome. Grief period can be for one year, two years or still longer. During that period, person may be passing through a wave of grief. There are numerous ways to deal with grief. To deal with grief initially is to share one’s happening with others. It is important to express feelings through communication. A close friend or family member is ideal with whom the person can speak out his intense inner feelings and allow the tears to flow out. Tears can washout sadness along with anger, guilt, loneliness and exhaustion. Another influential way to deal with grief is to write a diary of event. For example, writing letters to deceased loved one, sharing regrets, things which could not be conveyed, feelings and what is missed. When it is difficult to live under grief due to great loss, person may join a support group. Loneliness may enhance bitter feelings and it takes time to come out from grief period. When a person adheres to some social group, he gets a chance to talk with others who understand and share the experience of grief and it will work as an effective medicine in healing grief. It is well understood that grief affects one’s mind, body and soul. To come out from grief situation, person must care for himself with a healthy diet, exercise and adequate sleep. If possible he may look for professional help. If the grief lasts longer than two months, one must talk to a doctor. Best way to cope up with grief situation is to pass time in useful manner such as reading literary or religious books, go to recovery programs, and enter therapy. Conclusion To sum up, Grief is a usual but sometimes a puzzling and irrepressible sentiment. To cope up with grief is a long, aching process. Grief is lessening when we give vent to it. Good cry always help to reduce sore feelings. In grief, source of the emotional feeling is clearly perceived as being external and not due to personal inadequacies so person can again enjoy living and loving, having good appetite back, the pain will weaken, and one will be able to have sound sleep. It is a universal truth that everybody experiences loss in his life and needs to find ways and means to deal with these feelings with a healthy approach. Work cited 1) Linda Goldman; Life & Loss: A guide to help grieving children. Philadelphia: Accelerated Development Inc. Year:2000. 2) John Archer; The Nature of Grief: The Evolution and Psychology of Reactions to Loss. Publisher: Routledge. Place of Publication: London. Publication Year: 1999. Page Number: 3.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Birmingham as the second largest city in England

A hypothesis is a theory or idea, which is then examined and tested. Sometimes you will agree with it, and sometimes you will disagree with it. Quality of life is what makes a persons life better or easier. Different people have different needs and so what makes their quality of life better is also different. I am a teenager and my needs are very different to my grandmothers for example. I would prefer to live in the Inner City Zone or Inner Suburb Zone. This is because I would have easy access to shops, restaurants, clubs, cinemas, heath clubs and other amenities that young people prefer. Living in the CBD would not be appropriate for me however as there tends to be fewer parks and open spaces. I do not want to have to travel for hours to get to and from school every day, so a good local school would help improve my quality of life immensely. My grandmother is 69. She has a quieter life than me and only goes into the city centre when is most necessary. For the majority of things like food, daily paper and toiletries she can shop at her local independent shops. The makes her quality of life better. Low crime rate also improves her quality of life as she is more venerable than me. However because of her physical condition a large garden is not very practical as she could not be able to look after it. She does love being outside however and so to improve her quality of life she would need parks and public open areas near to her. She would also prefer quieter neighbours and few incidents of graffiti and vandalism. Her breathing is not ‘what it was' due to smoking for many years and so low pollutions levels would help her general health levels too. Because she lives on her own, it would not be very easy for her to get someone to come and repair walls or roofs, so good housing conditions would also be a necessity. My grandmother is also quite religious and likes to attend church every weeks or so, so for her it would be very important that there was a church very close by, or on a major bus route, as she would not be able to afford a taxi every week. As she lives alone, it would also be good for her if her family and friends lived near buy too. She could catch a bus to get there, but not of a great distance as it would be inconvenient for her because of medical conditions. You can read also Classifications of Restaurants There are some factors that would improve both hers and my quality of life however. For example, good public transport. This would benefit both of us as neither has a car or licence. For this reason also, being near to a hospital, doctor or dentist would improve the quality of both our lives. CBD stands for Central Business District. This area is in the centre of towns and is usually one of the oldest parts. There tends to be Victorian buildings which may have been modernised as well as modern buildings. The main land use tends to be commercial, with lots of shops, banks and restaurants. In some CBDs as a result of new developments there are sometimes new houses or apartments. The general sky-line tends to be higher towards the CBD as there are generally more high-rise buildings as land is more expensive. Moving away from the CBD, the next major zone is the Inner City. This zone is just outside the CBD, and old industry. In the last century factories have been built but the majority of these factories have been closed down as industry moved away from the CBD. The small terraced houses that were originally built for the factory workers are, in most cities and Birmingham still there. At this time however, land was expensive and so gardens and houses were small. Some of these houses have been knocked down and made into apartments or high-rise flats. This has helped encourage business workers to move to the CBS. The majority of these workers have large amounts of money, no children and that enjoy a good night life! This has encouraged bars, restaurants and clubs to open in the centre of most major cities. However it has also encouraged drug use and high crime rates. Moving outward from the CBD, the next zone is the Inner City. In the last century this land would also be used for factory building, however with modernisation, of these cities, industry has moved away and the old buildings converted. The majority of land is used as residential and most houses are terraced. Like the CBD, land was, and is, quite expensive in these areas and so most of the houses and gardens were small. The next major zone is the Inner Suburbs. This land is almost all residential. The majority of houses built here are from the 1920s and 1930s. The houses tend to be bigger as there is more land, and so it is cheaper to build on it. The general crime rate tends to be lower in these areas. These qualities attract families and so there also tends to be a lot more primary and secondary schools. After this zone, the next is the Outer Suburbs. The main land use is residential and there tends to be more large modern houses. Councils have also bought this land and many council estates are built here too. Because of the distance from these areas to the CBD, land is cheaper here. Recently small modern industries and large shops have developed here. Birmingham is the second largest city in England. It has a population of 965,928 in city and 2,555,596 in the West Midlands. Despite its' current size, Birmingham grew late in relation to other British cities and was a market town right up until the Industrial Revolution. At this time, luminaries such as Matthew Bolton ; James Watt (inventors of the steam engine), William Murdock (inventor of gas lighting) and Joseph Priestley (who discovered oxygen) put Birmingham on the map. A massive system of canals was built to cope with the influx of traffic, so that Birmingham now has a more extensive canal network than Venice. World War II saw heavy damage inflicted upon the city, and an equally brutal reconstruction program that earned Birmingham's inner ring road the nickname ‘the concrete collar'. However, Birmingham's relationship with the car goes deeper than this; it saw the building of the first four-wheeled petrol driven car by F W Lancaster in 1895, and now acts as the UK's motor-manufacturing hub (earning it the nickname Brum). Birmingham has since been reborn as a business and conference centre, and is busy rebuilding itself into the sub-capital it always should have been. Burgess model In 1925, E.W. Burgess presented an urban land use model, which divided cities in a set of concentric circles expanding from the CBD to the suburbs. This representation was built from Burgess's observations of a number of American cities, particularly Chicago. According to this model, a large city is divided in concentric zones with a tendency of each inner zone to expand in the other zone. Urban growth is there for a process of expansion of land uses. For this study I am going to be following a transect along the Alcester Road, A435. This road is an A type road and runs from the centre of town to the outskirts in a southern direction. Because of the size pf Birmingham, if the hypotenuse is correct it will most likely apply to the majority of large towns and cities in England. My chosen areas of study are: * Balsall Heath * Kings Heath * Alcester Lanes End * Druids Heath Balsall Heath Balsall Heath is situated in the Inner city zone of Birmingham. From the centre of the CBD it is 2.75 kilometres. It has been calculated that 4,000 people out of Balsall Heath's population of 12,000 regularly participate in a caring activity designed to improve the quality of life of the neighbourhood. Kings Heath Kings Heath is in the Inner suburb zone of Birmingham. From the centre of the CBD, Kings Heath is 5.5kilometres. According to the 2001 Population Census there were 24,273 people resident in Kings Heath. Alcester Lanes End Alcester Lanes End is situated in the Outer suburb zone of Birmingham. From the CBD, Alcester Lances End is 6.25 kilometres. Druids Heath Druids Heath is an area situated on an Outer City Council Estate. From the CBD, Druids Heath is 8 kilometres away. This is the area furthest away form the CBD that I will be studying.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Computers and How They Impact Our Lives Essay

Have you ever thought about how much computers have been integrated into our lives? Personally speaking there is not a day that goes by that I don’t sit down in front of a computer for something. Computers play a large role in the way that businesses are run, the days of type writers and filing cabinets are a thing of the past. We can access information about almost anything on the internet, such as banking records, insurance information, shopping, technical assistance the possibilities are almost limitless. Looking at the history of computers they really haven’t been around that long. Frederic Golden writer for Time magazine tells us this on the history of computers If you look at most history books, they’ll tell you ENIAC (for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first true all-purpose electronic computer. Unveiled in 1946 in a blaze of publicity, it was a monstrous 30-ton machine, as big as two semis and filled with enough vacuum tubes (19,000), switches (6,000) and blinking lights to require an army of attendants. Capable of adding 5,000 numbers in a second, a then unheard of feat, it could compute the trajectory of an artillery shell well before it landed. This machine was a remarkable achievement for its time but it doses not even begin to compare to the average personal computer that people have in their homes today. In its short 57 year span of history computer technology has increased at an unprecedented rate. Businesses are very dependant on computers, email, printing, data storage, internet access, data analyst are just a few of the thing that people take for granted in everyday business. Email has revolutionized the way we communicate and has become one of the most critical systems in business today. Servers are the back bone of almost every business. They handle many of the things that are essential for people to do their jobs. From email to file storage, printing and databases, these are just a few of the jobs that they perform. The complexity of what is going on behind the seen is unimaginable to the common person doing their job. Your basic end users have  no idea about how much work that is involved to maintain the systems that they use every day. Computer networking is an area that I find to be very interesting. The ability to access information on a server thousands of miles from where you are amazes me. For instance, Joe Smith is traveling to England and he wants to access his work email while he is there. He arrives at his hotel, turns on his notebook and plugs it into a phone line, signs on to the internet and gets his mail. To the user this seems like something simple but what is going on in the back ground is far more complex than he can ever imagine. I was watching the news a few months ago, and there was a doctor that could control a robotic device and perform surgery on a patient, via a high speed connection thousands of miles away. We have gone from a machine that performs simple calculations to a machine that enables a doctor to perform surgery on patient thousands of miles away in 57 years. Where will we be heading in the next 50 years? What you would think to be science fiction is becoming reality, Ascribe Higher Education News Service, Oct 8, 2003 wrote this article on DNA research at Purdue University â€Å"They have precisely placed strands of DNA on a silicon chip and then stretched out the strands so that their encoded information might be read more clearly, two steps critical to possibly using DNA for future electronic devices and computers.† The possibilities for the future are exciting when you reflect on how far we have come already. We are just beginning to scratch the surface of our potential with computers. Computers play an important part in our society; from our personal life to large corporations they are integrated into our lives. Some of the most basic and common tasks that we perform today such as driving cars or even turning on a light is made possible by computers. The advancements we’ve made over the last 57 years have been substantial, but what we will accomplish in the future will be even more amazing. References Ascribe Higher Education News Service, Oct 8, 2003 Purdue Researchers Stretch DNA on Chip, Lay Track for Future from the InfoTrac database Time, March 29, 1999 Title: Who Built The First Computer? (TIME 100)(Brief Article) from the InfoTrac database

Friday, September 27, 2019

Is Policy Modeling an Art or a Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is Policy Modeling an Art or a Science - Essay Example According to Clausewitz and Graham Scientific discoveries came from Art therefore, there is no Science without the mixture of Art (2008 pg. 82). Policy modeling can either be an art or science. Policy Modeling according to Estrada is an experimental research work supported by use of different qualitative models techniques and hypothesis to assess the cause of the past policy implications and the effect of the same to the society globally in the future (2010). The policy modeling can be further classified into several categories; communications, infrastructure and transportation policy modeling; energy; the domestic and international trade policy modeling; miscellaneous policy modeling; environmental and natural resources management policy modeling; fiscal and government spending policy modeling; labor, employment and population policy modeling; institutional, regulation and negotiation policy modeling; production and consumption policy modeling; monetary, banking and investment polic y modeling; welfare and social policy modeling; technological and R&D policy modeling; economic growth and development policy modeling. It is complex to understand the socio-economic of world’s environment, for example, the different behavior of subsystems, sectors, and regions within different time zones.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managed Services Provider Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managed Services Provider - Research Paper Example Companies outsource their IT based business processes to the managed service providers because it costs them very less as well as increases the reliability of the outsourced business processes. â€Å"A business will contract with a managed service provider to fill certain needs that are met more cost effectively by outsourcing than by purchasing and supporting equipment in-house† (White, n.d.). Managed service providers use the concept of cloud computing to provide reliable and cost effective services to the client companies. Schauland (2011) states, â€Å"Cloud computing is used to allow services used in everyday practice to be moved onto the Internet rather than stored on a local computer†. Cloud computing facilitates people and helps them perform their IT related tasks by eliminating the need of any specific place or a particular computer system. Some of the major tasks, which managed service providers, perform for the client companies include virtual private network , IP telephony, managed firewalls, messaging and call center, and monitoring or reporting of network servers. Unlike traditional business applications, managed service providers eliminate the problems of hardware and software installation and maintenance for its clients. In traditional settings, companies need to install, configure, test, and run every hardware and software application on their own. ... Computers, which are used locally, no longer need to perform heavy workloads because applications are kept online and the service providers handle the networks of such applications. Managed service providers assist companies in many areas. Some of those areas include network monitoring, network security, and information management. They also provide many other facilities, which may include alerts, data backup and recovery for different client devices, and patch management. For companies, some of the main advantages of using such services include no requirement of ease in running applications, ease of integration with proprietary systems, low capital investment, and intuitive interface of software applications. Some other advantages for the companies, which make them switch to such services providers include low security risk and improved organization of IT related business processes. Service providers make use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that use such security protocols, which do not remain the same forever rather they continue changing their protocols in order to ensure more protection against hackers. This feature of VPNs attracts a large number of companies towards managed service providers. Such companies find it easier to ensure network security by using the VPNs provided by the managed service providers. Some other benefits, which the companies gain by using the VPNs of managed service providers, include reduction in time and money consumption. Companies just need to pay for the virtual networks; they do not need to spend their precious tie and money to get the services of virtual networks. â€Å"The  managed service provider  assumes ongoing responsibility for monitoring, managing and/or problem resolution for

Organisation Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Organisation Behaviour - Essay Example Without doubt, employees form the most critical resource in any organisation. Leaders are faced with the compulsion of managing human resource effectively in promoting the goals of the organisation. Leaders who appreciate the diversity in personalities exhibited by different employees cannot achieve this. There is a salient need for leaders to gain familiarity with different personality types by understanding their common trait preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. With such an understanding and appreciation, a leader can choose the effective management styles for employees with different personality types. In addition, the modern workplace exhibits a high level of diversity in terms of cultures. Therefore, leaders have to prove competency in managing people of different cultures. Since employees do not exhibit similar levels of performance, it is critical for a leader to be able to handle employees of varying capacities. This paper will discuss how a leader can prove to be compete nt when dealing with different types of employees. In order to manage type A personalities effectively, leaders should make efforts to understand their specific personality traits. Moreover, it is important to establish what they value most in their lives and things that they consider as priorities. Type A individuals are a unique set of personalities who are characterized by obsession with work and competitiveness. They exhibit a competitive spirit in everything that they indulge in. They are individuals who are determined to emerge as the best. They are unlikely to settle for less and prove to be extremely ambitious. Their ambition is what leads to an ardent obsession with work. They exhibit concern for meeting stringent deadlines and have a sense of urgency that defines their entire lives (Hanif & Sarwat 2011, p. 93). Usually, their sense of urgency may lead them to exhibit a high level of impatience, especially when things do not happen at the pace they want. Their impatience

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Human Rights in Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Rights in Islam - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to explore the UDHR and compare it to the stipulations of Islam, finding similarities and differences between the two. This will show that, whilst the majority of the articles represent facets of Islam, there are a number of areas in which the UDHR fails to represent this religious tradition. One of the most obvious similarities between Shariah law and the UDHR is that they both oppose discrimination based on race, gender, language, nationality or religion. The Quran suggests that ‘when the Trumpet is blown, no ties of kinship will exist between them on that day, nor may they question one another’ (The Quran, 23:101). This essentially makes reference to the fact that Allah will not discriminate based on these things on judgement day. The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) is essentially an Islamic version of the UDHR, and also includes this sentiment as the very most important thing, which suggests that there is a high amount of compatibility between the two. Islam itself is seen to be a very all-encompassing religion, as it encourages people of all races to convert to the religion, again suggesting that the UNDR and Islam are similar in content in this department. Another element that is common to both the UNDR and Islam is the focus on women’s rights and equality between genders. For example, the CDHRI suggests that women have ‘equal human dignity’ (Hashimi, 1997) and therefore should be treated as well as men are. Islam and the CDHRI also both place emphasis on the fact that men and women both have the right to choose their own spouses regardless of race or pressure from outside parties. The UDHR also expresses this, suggesting that ‘Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution’ (United Nation s, 2012, Article 16). The reference to dissolution is also important, as Islam is well-regarded for being one of the first religions to allow women the right to divorce their own husbands by choice (Hashimi, 1997). Both Islam and the UDHR place an emphasis on living quality. It seems sensible to both parties to encourage living standards to be the best possible, as all humans have the right to live cleanly and safely. The Quran puts this sentiment very nicely, suggesting that ‘he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind’ (The Qur’an, 5:32). There are further quotes which support the fact that Islam is for the preservation of human life, rather than destroying it, and saving a life is incredibly important in the religion. The aim of Islam is to ensure that everyone lives a long and happy life (Hashimi, 1997). Similarly, the UDHR suggests, in article 25, that ‘everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family’ (United Nations, 2012). This is yet more evidence for the fact that the UDHR and Islam stand for several similar principles in a number of matters. There are, however, a number of times in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Catfish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Catfish - Essay Example If Yaniv wanted to see the story through ethically, he would have dealt with her with â€Å"full disclosure† right from the start that he already know and that Meg was Angela. He has to make a full disclosure of his intention because his intention was to see the story through and Angela’s role transformed from being a prospective girlfriend to a subject of research, albeit in a journalistic sense. Instead, they put Angela in a situation where she has to lie about Meg and in a way, mocking her for all her lies (Joost and Schulman). Ethical investigators or researchers do not do that. They treat their subject with respect and does not hide facts that could demean the person of their subjects even if the subject initially lied. The best ethical or philosophical standard that can be applied in the situation is the ethical standard that researchers have to follow in conducting research that involves human beings. This ethical standard or philosophy of ethical research involv ing human beings are enunciated in National Institute of Health (NIH) guidelines for investigators involving human subjects that states they should follow the following philosophical principles; a. Respect for persons – meant that the subject of research which are persons should be treated as autonomous agents and persons with diminished autonomy are entitled to additional protections. In the case of Angela, they already know that she has psychological issues and they could have prevented from aggravating it by being truthful. b. Beneficence – persons are treated in an ethical manner not only by respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm, but also by making efforts to secure their well being. Such treatment falls under the principle of beneficience. To cover acts of kindness or charity that goes beyond strict oblication. c. Justice – requires that individuals and groups be treated fairly and equitably in terms of bearing the burdens and receiving t he benefits of research and this includes being truthful to the subject of research (NIH). With how Yaniv conducted his investigation to see the story through, the research became â€Å"stigmatizing† to the subject because letting Angela continue with her lie and later confronting it is in a way belittling or insulting her and such, considered unethical by investigators who follows the prescribed ethical standard in conducting research. 2. What is the significance of the film’s title, Catfish? Who is the â€Å"catfish† in the movie? Support your response with evidence from the film The film’s mirror’s our inner desire to be the person that we wanted to be. If we cannot be the ideal person that we wanted to be in our real lives, then at least we can have the satisfaction through another medium such as the internet. Angela admitted this when he was confronted by Yaniv that she made some mistakes in her life that made her feel not to be the person she wanted to be and Meg represented her ideal self. Angela was the catfish in the film because she fitted the description of of Vince when he talked to Yaniv about live cod that were shipped to Asia from North America. Catfish tend to have mushy flesh when they are inactive but when they placed together with other cods, they become active and do not emit the undesirable mushy flesh. Her life to a certain degree was inactive or dull and it only became exciting through the supposed

Monday, September 23, 2019

Conduct Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conduct Business - Essay Example One disciplinary action for lateness is wage deduction, unless one is taken ill, in which case, the employer should follow the law in giving sick pay. Since many employees have at one time struggled with punctuality issues at the workplace, employers often encounter excuses for lateness such as excessive traffic, car breakdown, and alarm failure. Although an occasional lateness is forgivable, repeated cases call for disciplinary actions so that lateness may be curtailed. The first step to curbing lateness is by issuing staffs with work schedules in advance while keeping a master copy of the schedule for verification. Second, employees should be reminded of the importance of keeping time, be listened to and appraise fairly in case of lateness. In case of repeated lateness, a conference in which a calm and problem-solving approach is used is highly recommended between managers and employees. In fact, an employee’s schedule may be changed if the reason for lateness is genuine (Mooney, 2012). In these conferences where solutions to tardiness are sought, the negative impacts of tardiness not only on their professional lives but also their personal growth and development should be explained to employees. Increased productivity, morale, and job satisfaction are among the benefits of finding solution to workplace lateness. In fact, working together with employees in solving lateness related issues is a rather feasible method as all parties feel fairl y represented and appraised, implying that whatever the outcome of such joint efforts are inclusive and everyone feels part of the deliberations (Mooney,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Values of Parents Essay Example for Free

Values of Parents Essay Good Parents should guide children in family unity. Family unity is a family being together in happy and peaceful. Also, the meaning of family unity is that regardless of how bad a situation may be it will bring us closer together and make our bond stronger. It would have nice to have parents to enforce rules at home. For example, if parents would have been home children would have done homework instead of going outside to play. Another example is sitting together as a family to have dinner made family more closely. There were many things we have discussed at the dinner table. We talk about how our day, the happenings at school , work, upcoming events, share funny stories and express concerns about thing of important to us. Having parents spend time with children are very good example of family values. Read more: Lessons Learned From Parents Another valuable that parents belief is education. Most parents believed that education is a value for success in the future. A parents role is to support their child academic growth.. My parents always support me. They had me observe how they both work hard to support family. They explained to me if they had had college education, things would be a little easier for our family. If my parents had not given me self confidence, I wouldnt have enrolled in college. Parents are very important to their childrens education. All parents want their children to be a successful person in future. They influence their kids as much as good thing whenever they could. Find good school for their children; support them when they need help. Teach them how to be good person and go to school for better life. Parents are very important to a childs life.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Self Objectification and the Sexualization of Girls

Self Objectification and the Sexualization of Girls Contemporary Western culture has essentially commodified the female body and form and we now live in a society where womens bodies tend to be valued as appearance-based, sexual objects; objects that can be viewed and appraised, bought and sold, and ultimately consumed, by other individuals and society as a whole. Sexual objectification of the female body exists along a continuum ranging from the literal (e.g., human sex trafficking, modeling, participating in pageants) to figurative (e.g., media representations, using womens bodies in advertising). Further, sexual objectification represents both a cultural as well as interpersonal phenomenon; one in which women and girls are reduced to and primarily valued for their appearance and, more specifically, their ability to conform to societys increasingly narrow standards for a sexually desirable body. Thus, the experience of sexual objectification can be both direct (e.g., women and girls personal experiences of being judged on their appe arance and sexual desirability) as well as indirect (i.e., women and girls observation of the treatment and sexual objectification of other women and girls) (Crawford et al., 2009). A number of feminist theorists (e.g., Kaschak, 1992; Ussher, 1989) have argued that one of the many potential consequences of living in a society of pervasive sexual objectification, girls and women will internalize this sexual objectification and begin to objectify themselves. That is, over time women learn, through both their interpersonal experiences and vicarious observation of society and popular culture, that their looks matter, that other peoples appraisal of their appearance can determine how they are treated, and, these evaluations can even affect the quality of their social and economic lives. Objectification theory (Fredrickson Roberts, 1997) is a framework for understanding a variety of psychological and physical consequences women may face as a result of living in a culture that sexually objectifies their bodies. This theory describes the process through which women internalize both the belief that appearance is critical component of womens worth as well as cultures standards of near physical perfection and then ultimately determine their value as an individual based on their ability to meet these standards (Crawford et al., 2009). However, as each successive cohort of women since the late 1950s has faced standards of thinness and beauty that are increasingly more difficult to achieve (Garner et al., 1980; Wiseman et al., 1992), the current cultural body and appearance standards for women are now both incredibly unhealthy as well as virtually unattainable (Sptizer, Henderson, Zivian, 1999). For those women who connect these standards to their identity and self-worth, the failure to achieve or compare to this idealized female body is likely to result in feelings of shame and anxiety about their bodies (Bartky, 1988; Lewis, 2000). The traditional view of self-objectification (i.e., valuing ones body more on the basis of outward appearance than performance, health, or function), in turn, is theorized to be associated with an array of emotional and physical consequences, including an increase in body shame, body dissatisfaction, decreased awareness of internal states, depression, sexual dysfunction, and symptoms of eating disorders (Noll Fredrickson, 1998). In the literature, the concept of self-objectification has been used interchangeably with the term objectified body consciousness. McKinley and Hydes (1996) similar construct of objectified body consciousness consists of three primary components: Self-surveillance, body shame, and appearance control. An individual with an objectified body consciousness closely monitors their body from the view of a third person, exhibits body shame when they fail to achieve the cultural expectations, and believes that individuals are able to control their appearance, respectively. Over the last decade, a considerable body of evidence has been documented in support of the proposed tenets of these theories among both adult and adolescent women within a variety of contexts (for an extensive review: Moradi Huang, 2008). Self-objectification and objectified body consciousness have been empirically linked to a plethora of negative psychosocial and physical outcomes, including low body esteem (McKinley, 1998, 1999; McKinley Hyde, 1996; Noll Fredrickson, 1998), depression (Harrison Frederickson, 2003; Miner-Rubino, Twenge, Fredrickson, 2002; Muehlenkamp Saris-Baglama, 2002; Tolman et al., 2006), restrictive eating and eating disorders (Fredrickson et al., 1998; McKinley, 1999; Muehlenkamp Saris-Baglama, 2002; Noll Fredrickson, 1998; Slater Tiggemann, 2002; Tiggemann Lynch, 2001; Tiggemann Slater, 2001), sexual dysfunction (Roberts Gettman, 2004; Wiederman, 2001) and even an increased likelihood of smoking cigarettes (Harrell, 2002). Additionally, experimen tal induction of temporary states of self-objectification has resulted in decreased performance, both physical and cognitive. In one study of over 200 girls, aged 10 to 17 years, Frederickson and Harrison (2005) found that increasing levels of self-objectification predicted poorer motor performance while throwing a softball. Additionally, in their now infamous study, Frederickson and colleagues (1998) found that after asking women to try on a swimsuit and evaluate their appearance in a mirror, these women performed worse on a short math test compared to the women in the control group who completed the same appearance evaluation task in a sweater; findings which have been consistently replicated across multiple sexes and sexual orientations (Hebl, King, Lin, 2004; Martins, Tiggemann, Kirkbride, 2007). To date, much of this research has been conducted utilizing convenience samples of predominately U.S., undergraduate university students (e.g., Miner-Rubino et al., 2002; Morry Staska, 2001; Muelenkamp Saris-Baglama, 2002; Quinn, Kallen, Cathey, 2006) as well as other subgroups vulnerable to objectification, such as dancers (Parsons Betz, 2001; Slater Tiggemann, 2002; Tiggemann Slater, 2001) in part due to their high rates of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders as well as the perceived likelihood of these groups experiencing sexually objectifying situations. While these characteristics certainly make these groups ideal for testing predictions based on objectification theory and the objectified body consciousness construct, they also mean that demographic qualities such as age range, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity are restricted in comparison to the general population. This has greatly limited the generalizability of the findings to other groups of women and made it d ifficult to investigate developmental aspects of self-objectification. Furthermore, given the ubiquitous nature of the sexual objectification of women, self-objectification and an objectified body consciousness are likely to be relevant constructs in the lives of all women. This line of research is far from complete and prior studies and reviews have repeatedly called for additional research addressing group specific manifestations of self-objectification and its related concepts and outcomes within the framework of objectification theory. Despite the notion and evidence to suggest that eating and body image issues begin to develop prior to adolescence, from a developmental perspective, preadolescent girls remain one group that has been understudied to this date. Puberty and Adolescence One potential reason for this exclusion is due to the particular importance assigned to the contribution and timing of puberty in the emergence of self-objectification by both objectification theory as well as objectified body consciousness theory. Specifically, as girls physically and sexually develop into their mature adult forms, their bodies are increasingly judged and commented upon, and subjected to sexual objectification from others, which, according to objectification theory, results in girls adopting a outsiders view of their own bodies to ensure compliance with the social standard (Fredrickson Roberts, 1997). Although there is considerable variation in the individual timing and tempo of puberty (Tanner, 1972), research in the related, albeit more general, areas of body image and body dissatisfaction have routinely shown puberty to be an important risk factor for a variety of psychosocial problems in adolescence, including depression and eating disorders (Angold, Costello, Worthman, 1998; Stice, Agras, Hammer, 1999; Weichold, Silbereisen, Schmitt-Rodermund, 2003). This work in the areas of body image and body dissatisfaction suggests three primary ways in which physical development during puberty could result in body shame. First, the start of puberty initiates a series of dramatic appearance related changes for most adolescents. For example, normal female pubertal development involves the addition of approximately 24 pounds of body fat (Warren, 1983) which represents a typical change in body fat composition from about 16% to 27% and a muscle-to-fat ratio of 5 to 4 by the end of puberty (Brown et al., 2010; Smoll Schutz, 1990). This weight gain and increase in body fat is entirely inconsistent with the current social ideal of an ultra thin, prepubertal, female body ideal and a likely source of adolescent girls dissatisfaction with their bodies (Graber et al., 1994; Spitzer, Henderson, Zivian, 1999; Stice Whitenton, 2002). Similarly, all of these sudden physical changes may redirect or enhance adolescents already greater tendency toward self-consciousness (Jones, 2004; Rankin et al., 2004). Some of the previously described body image research with adults supports this concept and has shown that directing individuals attention to their physical appearance, even temporarily, can result in increased reports of self-surveillance as well as body shame (e.g., Fredrickson et al., 1998; Hebl, King, Lin, 2004; Martins, Tiggemann, Kirkbride, 2007). Finally, in addition to directing adolescents attention to their own physical appearance, the physical changes of puberty likely direct others attention to the adolesce nts body as well; attention that is commonly in the form of peer sexual harassment, particularly for early developing girls (American Association of University Women, 2001). A growing body of research suggests that sexual harassment during adolescence is normative and related to pubertal development (McMaster et al., 2002; Murnen Smolak, 2000). Likewise, in a study of 166 girls aged 10- to 12-years-old (mean age 11.2 years), Lindberg, Grabe, Hyde (2007) showed that more advanced pubertal development and greater sexual harassment from peers predicted increases in both girls engagement in self-surveillance as well as body shame. Consequently, much of the research on the tenets of self-objectification and objectified body consciousness, as well as the proposed psychosocial outcomes has focused on the experiences of mostly post pubertal adolescents and young adults. However, despite the proposed role of puberty in the development of self-objectification; research in related areas suggests that body image concerns are likely starting much earlier than puberty. Numerous researchers have documented that body image concerns and dissatisfaction are significant for most adolescent girls in both clinical and non clinical samples (Bunnell et al., 1992; Smolak Levine, 2001; Thompson et al., 1999b), regardless of eating pathology or weight (Rodin, Silberstein, Streigel-Moore, 1985); findings which have subsequently been explained as normative discontent. In other words, because a majority of women tend to be dissatisfied with their bodies, negative body attitudes are, in fact, quite normal. Thus, by adolescence, many girls have already developed weight and body concerns and may even have engaged in attempts to alter or control their weight and body shape. Although a significant proportion of the previous research on disordered eating and body image dissatisfaction has focused on adult women and adolescent girls, an emerging line of research has begun to examine these constructs among pre-pubescent children as well (Cusumano and Thompson, 2001; Davison, Markey, Birch, 2003; Dohnt Tiggemann, 2004; Field et al., 1999a; Ricciardelli McCabe, 2001; Ricciardelli, McCabe, Banfield, 2000; VanderWal Thelen, 2000). And thus, while the role of pubertal development is certainly notable, it is also an incomplete picture of why and how self-objectification likely develops. Sexualization of Girls A complimentary perspective and emerging line of research particularly relevant to the potential causes and outcomes of self-objectification concerns that of the sexualization of girls. According to the Report of the American Psychological Association Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls (2007), sexualization is used to describe the treatment of others or oneself as sexual objects and, as things rather than as people with legitimate sexual feelings of their own. Sexualized individuals are valued primarily for their physical appearance and, more specifically, their sex appeal. The phenomenon of sexualization has been observed and commented upon by an ever widening array of academics and cultural critics, as well as the popular media. Emma Rush and Andrea La Nauze of The Australia Institute (2006b) have similarly defined sexualization as, the act of giving someone or something a sexual character, which, when applied to children includes inappropriately imposing or encouraging, ster eotypical forms of adult sexuality. In the book, The Lolita Effect, Gigi Durham (2008) commented at length on the complimentary social phenomenon of viewing and treating little girls as sexy as well as encouraging adult women to be sexy by adopting childlike habits and clothing trends (e.g., Mary Jane shoes, lollipops, school uniforms). While children have always been exposed to adult sexuality through popular culture and media, the very direct sexualization of children by media and society, is a considerably more recent development. According to Rush La Nauze (2006b), the term corporate paedophilia is a metaphor coined by Phillip Adams to describe the marketing strategy of age compression, where previously adult/adolescent products are aimed at younger and younger children in order to guarantee more consumers (Lamb and Brown, 2006; Levin and Kilbourne, 2008; Rush La Nauze, 2006a). Rush and La Nauze (2006b) operationally define this concept as advertising and marketing that either seek to present children in sexually suggestive ways, or seek to sell product to children using overt forms of adult sexuality. Despite the potential negative connotations, with 27 million children aged 7 to 14 years, the contemporary tween market is a rather lucrative demographic with tremendous discretionary purchasing power, including a subset of 2.7 million that, in 2001, spent more than $14 billion on clothing alone (Nieder and Figueroa, 2001). Although both girls and boys are exposed to adult sexuality through popular culture and media, the direct marketing of sexualized materials to children is notably directed toward young girls (Rush La Nauze, 2006b). A 1999 article in Entrepreneur magazine described how girls represent a better niche market than boys because, like their adult female counterparts, girls tend to purchase predictable economic stuff, including clothing, accessories, and beauty products (Phillipps, 1999). And, in 2007, NPD Group reported that 7- to 14-year-old girls spent $11.5 billion on apparel, up from $10.5 billion in 2004 (Sweeney, 2008). Taking notice, corporations like MGA Entert ainment, producer of the Bratz dolls, have licensed a line of Bratz clothing and accessories for little girls that include a matching hip-hugger underpants and padded bra set (Opplinger, 2008). Slim-fit t-shirts in stretchy fabrics are now sold in childrens sizes with slogans such as, So many boys, so little time and, Scratch and Sniff across the chest and Pollett and Hurwitz (2004) noted that thong underwear are now offered in tween stores as well as childrens wear departments, often with decorations that will specifically appeal to children. Retail stores such as Limited Too and Justice, which cater exclusively to the tween demographic sell lingerie items such as camisoles and lacy panties, items that once would have been marketed solely to adults (Lamb Brown, 2006). Likewise, the younger sister of Miley Cyrus (of Disney Channel fame) recently began marketing her own lingerie line for tweens. National chains such as Target and J.C. Penny are now selling padded bras and thong pant ies for young girls that feature cherries and slogans such as Wink-Wink and Eye Candy, while in 2008, Wal-Mart offered a pair of thong underwear in childrens sizes emblazoned with the phrase, Who needs a credit card? Not to be left out, pink baby bibs sold at that same chain bore such phrases as, Always Dress to Impress, Kisses 25Â ¢, and Drama Queen. The cosmetics industry has also seen the value of marketing their products to younger and younger girls. In 2001, a survey by the NPD Group showed that, on average, women began using beauty products at 17. Today, the average is 13, and even this is likely to be an overstatement. According to the same report, 8- to 12-year-olds were already spending more than $40 million a month on beauty products. In 2003, according to Experian, a market research company based in New York, 43% of 6- to 9-year-olds were already using lipstick or lip gloss; 38% used hairstyling products; and 12% used other cosmetics. In a study last year, 55% of 6- to 9-year-old girls said they used lip gloss or lipstick and nearly two-thirds said they used nail polish. From 2007 to 2009, the percentage of girls ages 8- to 12-years-old, who regularly use mascara and eyeliner nearly doubled to 18% from 10% for mascara, and to 15% from 9% for eyeliner. The percentage of girls using lipstick also rose, to 15% from 10% (Qu enqua, 2010). Of serious concern within the medical community is research that suggests some of these products may have highly negative consequences from prolonged usage, particularly for children and pre-pubertal adolescents. While race, obesity, and genetics are likely determinants of pubertal timing, a growing body of research suggests that hormonally active environmental agents may also alter the course of pubertal development in girls, which is controlled by endogenous steroids and gonadotropins (Jacobson-Dickman Lee, 2009; Rasier et al., 2006). Some of these chemicals include a number of phenols and phthalates, such as Bisphenol A (BPA), which act like estradiol as hormone agonists and, in animals, have been shown to accelerate pubertal development (Rasier et al., 2006). In the previously described study examining early onset puberty among 7- to 8-year-old girls, Wolff and colleagues (2010) discovered elevated exposure to endocrine disruptors that are commonly found in nail polishes and oth er cosmetics. Toy shops now sell items such as the Girls Ultimate Spa and Perfume Kit (for use by up to eight kids and perfect for spa parties, sleepovers, and rainy days); the Body Shop has lip glosses intended for teens and fruity lip glosses for preteens; Claires, an accessory store in almost every shopping mall, offers lip gloss in flavors that appeal primarily to young girls (e.g., Dr Pepper, Skittles). Mattel Corporation, producer of Barbie dolls, offers lip glosses and perfumes to their junior consumers with names such as, Free Spirit, Summer Fun, and Super Model (Opplinger, 2008). Similarly, large spa chains and salons now offer a variety of services for children, including several companies devoted to providing services to child customers exclusively. Sweet Sassy salons and Dashing Diva franchises advertise services for girls 5- to 11-years-old and offer options such as virgin Cosmos in martini glasses and pink limos as part of birthday parties for groups of girls. Similarly, at any of t he 90 mall-based, Club Libby Lu stores nationwide, girls can mix their own lip gloss and partake in celebrity makeovers and mini fashion shoots (one of the most popular being Hannah Montana) (Sweeney, 2008). Products and services such as these highlight just how mainstream it has become to turn children into cute and sexy little objects. And, although adults and much of society have become somewhat desensitized to this sexualization of girls, children remain especially vulnerable to marketers efforts because of the very way they think. Under the age of eight, children have trouble understanding that the purpose of an ad is to get them to buy something and if they see a child smiling and looking happy, they are unlikely realize its because the child is being paid to look that way. Young children tend to believe what they see, so that when other children are presented as both sexualized and happy, they believe it will be that way for them too (Oates, Blades, Gunter, 2002; Singer Revenson, 1996). Young childrens thinking tends to focus on one thing at a time and only on what they can see. They dont consider multiple aspects of a situation or the relationships between those aspects and they tend not to look at what lies beneath the surface of objects, images, and actions such as the motives, intentions, and feelings underlying sexual behavior Singer Revenson, 1996). In other words, children are already predisposed to attend to appearance and this is particularly damaging and problematic to children and adolescents who are developing their sense of themselves as sexual beings (APA, 2007). Ultimately, girls are encouraged to construct a sexy appearance, yet it is highly unlikely they personally understand what it means to be sexual or to have sexual desires (APA, 2007). Strasburger and Wilson (2002) argued that preadolescents and adolescents are like actors who experiment with different features of their newly forming identities; a plasticity which may make them especially sus ceptible to media and cultural messages linking social popularity and acceptance with various sexualized products and services. Given the tendency for adult women to internalize and actively pursue these social ideals despite greater cognitive resources and media/marketing literacy, it is likely that young girls would also start to adopt an observers view of their bodies and an increased focus on appearance over time and particularly with increased interaction with and consumption of culture that promotes this ideal. Quite simply, between padded bras, adult fashions in youth sizes, make-up and accessories, girls are no longer living in a world where puberty is the true beginning of their sexual objectification by others. Thus, it stands to reason that given enough exposure to this appearance culture, some girls may internalize these values at early ages than previously theorized. Body Image and Concerns in Childhood Although the work is limited, as compared to studies with adults, body image research with children suggests that children as young as 3-years-old may start to show an awareness and even mild endorsement of popular social attitudes about bodies, most notably anti-fat bias and a preference for thinness (Cramer Steinwert, 1998; Musher-Eizenman et al., 2003). However, while measurable, research with young children is generally interpreted with great caution due to their limited cognitive development and generally studies show support for greater awareness and endorsement of these beliefs and preferences beginning between the ages of 5- and 6-years-old (Cramer Steinwert, 1998; Davison, Markey Birch, 2000; Lowes Tiggemann, 2003; Musher-Eizenman et al., 2003; Thelan et al., 1992; Tiggemann Wilson-Barrett, 1998). Because research with children is generally limited by their language and reading skills, most studies on weight and body image have relied primarily on a variety of verbal preference and adjective attribution tasks using age and sex specific figure arrays (Collins, 1991; Hill, Oliver, Roger, 1992; Gardner, Sorter, Friedman, 1997; Musher-Eizenman et al., 2003; Stager Burke, 1982; Truby Paxton, 2002; Williamson Delin, 2001) while reserving surveys and questionnaires for older children (Flanneryschroeder Chrisler, 1996). Unfortunately, a thorough understanding of weight and body image concerns in children is also limited by the great variety in actual constructs being measured (e.g., anti-fat bias, preference for thinness, body dissatisfaction, weight concerns, dieting) as well as differences in the age ranges of the child participants (Smolak, 2004). Despite these limitations, results from several studies suggest that childrens reports of weight and body concerns range between 3 7% and 50% for girls aged 8- to 13-years-old (Collins, 1991; Field et al., 1999a; Rolland, Farnill, Griffiths, 1997; Schur, Sanders, Steiner, 2000; Schreiber et al., 1996) and a 1998 review by Smolak, Levine, and Schermer (1998) found that an average of 40% of girls in late elementary school reported weight and body image concerns. In addition to simply being present and measurable at these ages, weight and body image concerns also appear to be rather consistent and predictive over time. In a longitudinal study of 182 girls, Davison, Markey, and Birch (2003) found that girls were consistent with regard to their reported weight and body concerns from 5- to 9-years-old. Furthermore, even after statistically controlling for weight, girls who reported higher weight or body image concerns between the ages of 5- and 7-years-old also reported higher rates of dietary restriction, disordered eating attitudes, and dieting at age 9 (Davison, Markey, Birch, 2003). Research on the relationships between childrens weight and body image concerns to dieting mirrors patterns in similar studies with adults (Feldman, Feldman, Goodman, 1998; Flanneryschroeder Chrisler, 1996; Freedman, 1984; Gilbert, 1998; Wardle Marsland, 1990) as in adult women. Although dieting behaviors are more commonly reported by older children ranging from 8- to 13-years-old (Rolland, Farnill, Griffiths, 1996; Thelen et al., 1992), there is evidence to suggest elementary school children (grades 3 through 6) are not only knowledgeable about weight loss methods (Schur, Sanders, Steiner, 2000), but they may be reliable reporters of dieting behaviors as well (Kostanski Gullone, 1999). Thus, while weight and body image concerns are perhaps more obvious during adolescence (Striegel-Moore, Silberstein, Rodin, 1986), their origins are likely found in childhood, as by middle childhood, weight and body image concerns are already normative among girls. Contributing Factors An overwhelming number of studies with adolescents and adult women point to a variety of sociocultural factors, most notably family, peers, and media, as the primary source of influence in the development of poor body image and disordered eating (Stice, 1994, 2001, 2002; Stice Shaw, 1994; Thompson et al., 1999b; Thompson Stice, 2001; van den Berg et al., 2002). The basic premise of these models is quite consistent with both objectification theory and the construct of objectified body consciousness and addresses a number of relevant constructs from Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954) while ultimately focusing on internalization of the thin ideal. In general, these theories posit weight and body image concerns develop as a result of discrepancies between the actual and ideal self resulting from social comparisons and feedback from family, peers, and media. As the previously discussed sexualization material suggests, children are likely no less subject to societal pressures tha n adults and adolescent and sociocultural models have now been adapted to explain the development of childrens weight and body concerns (Ricciardelli et al., 2003; Smolak Levine, 2001). Mothers Given the pivotal role of families, more specifically mothers, in young childrens lives, it is perhaps not surprising that much of the sociocultural research on the development of weight and body concerns in childhood has focused on the potential role parents (e.g., Davison, Markey, Birch, 2000; Hill Pallin, 1998; Kluck 2010; Lowes Tiggemann, 2003; McCabe et al., 2007; Ricciardelli et al., 2003; Smolak, Levine, Schermer, 1999). Despite many changes in contemporary culture and across a wide variety of developmental theories, families consistently remain important social reinforcers and role models often credited with constructing and maintaining environments that influence childrens beliefs and behaviors, not only during childhood and adolescence but across the lifespan as well (Bandura McDonald, 1963; Killeya-Jones et al., 2007; Parke Buriel, 2008). With specific regard to self-objectification and objectified body consciousness, McKinley (1999) found significant positive correlations between mothers and their late adolescent daughters body surveillance, body esteem, BMI, and desired weight. Similarly, in a cross cultural study of objectified body consciousness, Crawford and colleagues (2009) found that body shame in mothers was related to body shame in adult daughters for a Nepali sample. With regard to related body image and dietary constructs, numerous studies have identified similarities between mothers and daughters body image concerns and disordered eating patterns (Evans le Grange, 1995; Hill Franklin, 1998; Hill, Weaver, Blundell, 1990; Kichler Crowther, 2001; Rieves Cash, 1996; Sanftner et al., 1996; Smolak, Levine, Schermer, 1999). One way researchers have suggested that a mothers physical appearance orientation can negatively influence daughters is through modeling of behaviors such as dieting or disordered eating (e.g., Keel, Heatherton, Harnden, Hornig, 1997; Kichler Crowther, 2001; Pike, 1995; Pike and Rodin, 1991). Although much of this research has focused on adolescents, similar results emerge in studies of younger children (e.g., Abramovity Birch, 2000; Stice, Agras, Hammer, 1999 Williamson Delin, 2001). Interestingly, in a sample of 5- to 10-year old girls, Williamson and Delin (2001) found it was mothers weight concerns rather than the childs actual weight that predicted childrens weight concerns. Similarly, Abramovity and Birch (2000) found a sample of 5-year-old girls were twice as likely to report ideas about dieting if their mothers were dieting. Yet another way researcher have suggested that a mothers appearance orientation can negatively influence daughters body image and eating behaviors in a more direct manner through verbal comments, which range in form from criticism (Hahn-Smith and Smith, 2001; Smolak, Levine, Schermer, 1999) to teasing and fat talk (Nichter, 2000; Schwartz et al., 1999), and even encouraging to diet (Benedikt, Wertheim, Love, 1998); phenomena which appear to increase as girls approach adolescence (Striegel-Moore Kearney-Cooke, 1994; Thelen Cormier, 1995). However, while most studies have found strong positive relationships between daughters and their mothers self-reports of weight and body image concerns among late adolescents and adults, several notably inconsistent exceptions exist, particularly in studies of younger girls. In the previously mentioned cross cultural study (Crawford et al., 2009), none of the objectified body consciousness measures correlated between mothers and their late adoles cent daughters in the US sample, and in the previously mentioned McKinley (1999) study, there were no relationships between mothers and daughters scores for body shame or control beliefs. Likewise, Lindberg, Hyde, and McKinley (2006) did not find any positive associations between mothers and their 10 to 12-year-old daughters objectified body consciousness measures, and in fact, found small negative correlations between mothers and daughters surveillanc

Friday, September 20, 2019

Free Great Gatsby Essays: Point of View :: Great Gatsby Essays

Importance of Point of View in The Great Gatsby  Ã‚   In novels containing interweaving plot and varying scenes, the author's selection of point of view becomes a primary factor in its impact and effectiveness. The Great Gatsby is such a novel which demonstrates this point most evidently.   While Fitzgerald's decision to view the plot through the eyes of Nick Carraway presents certain limitations, it provides the means to relate the tone and message of the novel as whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   F. Scott Fitzgerald would be the first to admit that his masterpiece was not without flaws.   In a letter written to Edmund Wilson, he criticized what he understood to be the novel's "BIG FAULT."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I gave no account of (and had no feeling about or knowledge of) the emotional relationship   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   between Gatsby and Daisy from the time of their reunion to the catastrophe. Undoubtedly, this constraint on detailed development was imposed almost solely by point of view.   Because Fitzgerald lays out the plot through the prospective of one essential character, intimacy between any other group of characters is lost or can only be hinted at.   Somewhat of a haze surrounds these important relationships, as Nick and in turn the reader are blind to the details of their occurrence.   In the case of Gatsby and Daisy, some of the power that backs Gatsby's dream is never presented.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Such a situation is somewhat relieved, however, by integration of dialog.   Not only does this aspect of of Fitzgerald's point of view thoroughly describe the other character of the novel, but also it keeps the credibility of the narrator in check.   Who is to say that Nick Carraway is to be the readers' only insight to the affluent world of Long Island during the 1920's?   He himself admitted to being far from perfect; even "vulnerable."   By providing the reader with a chance to judge the importance, purpose, and mission of each character, less time is spent analyzing the credibility of the narrator and more is devoted to understanding Fitzgerald's statement as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Great Gatsby, this is a message that would be lost if it were not for the selected point of view.   Fitzgerald, through what Nick perceives and the changes he undergoes, comments specifically on the society of the time.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

General Motors Inc. Essay -- Business, Entrepreneurship, Innovation

General Motors incorporates entrepreneurship and innovation into its business objectives. This is evident in General Motors Vision statement which states that its goal is to â€Å"lead in advanced technologies and quality by creating the world’s best vehicles†. (1) For instance General Motors has an extensive R & D, Design, and Engineering department that oversees the creativity, innovation, and invention of its strategic technologies and innovation programs which are aligned with its corporate vision. In order to lead in advanced technologies of the world’s best vehicles General Motors incorporates entrepreneurship and innovation concepts, which are essential to competing in the global market place.(2) In the spirit of entrepreneurship, which is the process of discovering new ways of combining resources,(5) General Motors is a majority shareholder in GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Company of South Korea, and has product, powertrain and purchasing collaborations wit h Suzuki Motor Corporation in Japan.(3) These associations allow General Motors to maneuver into specific customer markets and broaden its product base. Being an innovative organization also requires General Motors to establish advanced technology collaborations, which it has with Daimler AG and BMW AG of Germany and Toyota Motor Corp. of Japan (3) as well as promoting competitiveness and deferring the cost of the research and development. (2) One example of innovation, which is the process of devising a new idea or thing, or improving an existing idea (5), is the two-mode hybrid system being used today on GM’s hybrid pickups and SUV’s. This was a result of the partnership between BMW and GM in which both manufacturers benefited. BMW benefited from GM’s battery, extended ran... ...nd meet their quality targets. Your most important customer will be able to pick and choose any type of options that they want on their Cruze, when they want it. Competition – Our scissor lifts were bought in a package deal for our paint shop and three others. Not installing this new lock retaining nut will leave us susceptible to thousands of units being lost along with idling hundreds of people. Not to mention the increase in the cost per vehicle because we did not meet or production targets. In conclusion, innovation and the need for it will never diminish no matter how big or small. For me, my company, and my country innovation is the key to our success and our very existence. With that being said, you better not have a great idea and have no one to sell it to. The customer will always be first, second, and third for that matter, if we are to succeed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

FROM: Mathilde Renou TO: Ms. Charlotte Irwin RE: Memorandum on Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Decision on Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction, ICTY Appeals Chamber DATE: December 06, 2013 FACTS Dusko Tadic is a Bosnian Serb accused of crimes against humanity amongst which the foremost were the collection, the mistreatment and the killing of Bosnian Muslims and Croats in the former Yugoslavia in 1992. Also known as â€Å"Dule† Tadic, this former leader of Serbian paramilitary forces has been indicted in 1995 . The Defence team had fulfilled a preliminary motion for dismissal of the charges based on the tribunal lack of jurisdiction which was primarily rejected by the Trial Chamber which refused, amongst others, to investigate the legitimacy of the creation of the tribunal . From this dismissal, the Defence team filed an interlocutory appeal to contest, amongst others, the â€Å"illegal foundation of the International Tribunal .† ISSUE Dusko Tadic (hereinafter the Appellant) contested the jurisdiction (or the â€Å"competence† as it is referred in the French version of the case) of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and alleged â€Å"an error of law on the part of the Trial Chamber †, and contested particularly the legitimacy of the establishment of the Tribunal. Therefore the questions are the following. Does the Tribunal has the power to determine its own jurisdiction, i.e. its legal foundation by asserting the principle of â€Å"compà ©tence de la competence†? By extension, does the UN Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter is lawfully entitled to establish an international criminal tribunal? RULE Under article 36(6) Statute of the Court , the Court asserted its right to the principle of... ... of Procedure , and rejected the first ground of appeal of the Appellant based on an unlawful establishment of the International Tribunal . CONCLUSION The Appeals Chamber rejected the heading of the appellant related to the lack of jurisdiction of the ICTY by asserting its power to determine its own jurisdiction. The Court affirmed its â€Å"compà ©tence de la compà ©tence† under Article 36 (6) ICJ Statute by arguing that the tribunal has been lawfully and legitimately founded under Chapter VII of the United Nations and reaffirmed that The UN Security Council had the legitimacy to establish a â€Å"subsidiary organ†, i.e. a tribunal, under international law respecting the rule of law. By ruling on this decision, the Court has asserted its capacity to determine and to exercise its competence on its own jurisdiction, best known as the principle of â€Å"compà ©tence de la compà ©tence†.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Data Processing

Prior to our procedure, we measured the temperatures of each pond area. We used the low-temperature climate (bird inaccuracy pond) to compare to the higher-temperature climate (Lake Calhoun holding pond and Lake Harriet duck area. After completing our experiment by surveying various sections of each three experimental sites, we gathered our information using a stream study. We surveyed the areas four different times for maximum proficiency. After recording each sample study four times for each area, we added up their water quality rating total index count and divided it by four, generating an average for our results. Conclusion Our groups question was: How does temperature change have an affect on the water quality of aquatic macro invertebrates?After concluding our stream study, our group was able to determine that as temperature increased, the water quality index for aquatic macro invertebrates decreased. With the results that the stream study gave us, we were able to conclude that the area with the lowest temperature of 22 degrees Celsius (bird sanctuary) had an excellent quality rating of over 22. The Lake Calhoun holding pond (24 degrees Celsius) had a water quality rating of six, which fell under poor quality.As for the Lake Harriet Duck Area, we were able to generate a good quality rating of 22. Thus concluding that as the temperature increased, the water quality index decreased. We believe that as temperature is higher, the pond areas are more accessible by other animals/humans, creating the water quality to be less. Some limitations we occurred during our experiment were assuring from three different environments so the surrounding environments could have had an effect on the water quality rating.For example, the bird sanctuary pond is not accessible by people for recreational use, whereas both lake Harriet and lake Calhoun allow recreational use. This could have altered the results of our experiment. Another reason that our data could have been skewed was because recently Lake Calhoun had experienced an E-Coli problem, which is a reason the water quality was so low.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Organizational Structure Essay

In this paper, I will analyze the elements of a job analysis and discuss its significance to the hiring and employee development aspects of human resource management. I will describe the importance of a PAQ, proposing two ways the results can be used to redesign a customer service job for efficiency. I will develop two strategies that HR professionals can in the selection for a customer service position using a Fleishman Job Analysis System. I will examine the challenges for designing this job for efficiency and suggest two ways to redesign it. Finally, I will propose three ways a HR manager can use the information from a job analysis to measure the performance of customer service representatives. One of the most important aspects of human resources is recruiting. In order to recruit the best applicants, job recruiters have to be knowledgeable in all aspects of the position. The best source of information about a position comes from a job analysis. A job analysis is the process of getting detailed information about jobs. A job analysis helps recruiters to match job requirements with the best applicants. It is also essential in employee development, performance appraisals and compensation. A job analysis includes many steps but only three elements. Those elements are the sources of job information, the job specification and the job description. The first element of the job analysis is the source of information used. In doing the analysis, human resource professionals gather information about jobs through interviewing employees, observing performance of certain tasks, asking employees to fill out questionnaires and worksheets, and collecting information about a job from secondary sources. Other sources within the company include existing job descriptions and supervisors. Some of those  secondary sources include existing job analysis information from a competitor and O*NET. Next, the job specification includes the tasks that make up the job, the conditions under which the job is performed and what the job requires in terms of aptitude, knowledge, skills and abilities (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014). This will provide a lot of data. It measures the amount of time the employee spends on major duties. It provides a description of the major duties in order of importance. It determines whether any licensures, certificates or security clearances are needed to perform the job, as well as the physical, environmental and mental demands of a position. This information is essential in creating a job description. The last element is the job description. â€Å"A job description is a list the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014).† A well-written job description can sell jobs to perspective employees and develop training programs as a job position evolves. Sometimes the needs of business changes and therefore some duties may change within a position. â€Å"For the employer, the job description is often used as a recruiting tool and by supervisors to outline position expectations. The job description may be used to indicate salary or reporting structure and as a reference during performance evaluations (Richards, 2014).† Once all the information has been assembled for a job analysis, it can be further analyzed by using a position analysis questionnaire (PAQ). â€Å"A PAQ is a standardized job analysis questionnaire containing 194 questions about work behaviors, work conditions, and job characteristics that apply to a wide variety of jobs (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014).† The purpose of the questionnaire is to measure the job characteristics and its relation to the human characteristics. The PAQ can be used for a few different things. Common uses include developing a compensation model, selection criteria for a specific job and to study the nature of work (, 2014). A PAQ can be used to redesign a customer service job to be more efficient and improve quality. â€Å"Using the PAQ provides an organization with information that helps in comparing jobs, even when they are dissimilar (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014).† In making those comparisons, analyzers might find ways to be more efficient. The collected data from this approach helps in developing or revising a job description. In the customer service business the needs of each customer can vary. Therefore, responsibilities of a customer service representative can vary to meet those needs. Those things might not be listed in the job description but will need to be added in order to keep the job description updated. Furthermore, information learned from the PAQ helps in evaluating the position for appropriate classification. A good source to use for worker requirements is the Fleishman Job Analysis system. The Fleishman Job Analysis system (F-JAS) is a job analysis technique that asks subject-matter experts to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014).† Because the results of a F-JAS, provides a picture of the ability requirements of a job, than recruiters know what abilities to scan for when reviewing resumes. Typing skills might be a skill that is important in a customer service position. The F-JAS can give us an idea of just how important typing is to a job so that we would be able to make reasonable accommodations for an applicant with disabilities. Human resource professionals can also use F-JAS to update job descriptions. As processes change the need for some abilities change as things may become automated, therefore job responsibilities change. â€Å"Kannisto adds, â€Å"With the compliance environment and legal implicat ions, the stakes are a lot higher for job descriptions to be crystal clear with essential responsibilities. If you have a measure of performance that doesn’t appear on the job description and you have a case brought against you, depending on the agency [involved], there could be punishment,† he explains (Tyler, 2013).† When considering the job of a customer service representative (CSR) who handles consumer inquiries for a company that sells items online and by catalog, a few challenges of designing this job for efficiency, come to  mind. The first challenge that comes to mind is monotony. Over time, employees will be bored of doing the same job over and over. Even more so if the job is divided into departments, such as sales, returns and customer service, employees will lose interest. A suggestion for redesigning the customer service representative position is job enlargement. Employees might find the job more engaging if all the calls came through on department. We could cross-train employees to be able to handle all the calls that come through the queue. Another suggestion is job rotation. Maybe every week, we could rotate the tasks. We could also make some customer services responses automated for customers. So if a customer wanted to check status on an order, we could generate a system automa ted response so that those calls don’t come into the call center. Another challenge for designing a customer service representative job is defining authority. Sometimes, customer service requires problem solving and quick decisions. Waiting to speak to a manager can be frustrating for the customer and it makes the employee look incompetent, because it increases hold time. The employee probably feels impotent having to get permission to make a decision, especially when they know what to do. A suggestion for redesigning the CSR’s position is job enrichment. CSR’s need a certain amount of authority when it comes to resolving customer service issues. This is a way to raise productivity levels and employee satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in taking ownership of problems and meeting the challenge of increased responsibility. A human resource manager (HRM) can use the information obtained from job analysis to measure the performance of a customer service representative. Job analysis is a set of procedures or methods for determining what workers actually do on the job and for describing which aspects of worker knowledge, skill, ability, and other characteristics are needed for job performance. This process defines a productive employee and gives human resource managers a place to start for measuring performance. One way HRM can use this information is in making personnel decisions. This tool can help determine whether an employee should receive a promotion, transfer, pay increase or be fired. It can also be used for employee development. A performance  appraisal will determine the strengths and weaknesses of employees. This is key to helping our CSR’s grow, because we can create training programs to increase their skills levels. Taking the time to strengthen their weaknesses will make them perform better, which is great for the company. Finally, the performance appraisal can be used as documentation to protect a company from lawsuits, because it is used as the basis for personnel decisions. In conclusion, the job analysis is the foundation of most human resource functions. With its use, job descriptions are created and updated which standardizes recruiting. It is a perfect outline for measuring performance of new and existing employees. Job analysis provides training and employee growth opportunities. Personnel decisions are also validated by job analysis, because it creates a system of checks and balances for hiring, performance appraisals, promotion and demotion and/or firing. Works Cited Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, (2014). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. (5th ed., p. 103). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, (2014). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. (5th ed., p. 107). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, (2014). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. (5th ed., p. 108). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. (2014). The paq program. Retrieved from Richards, F. (2014). Key parts to job descriptions. The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from Tyler, K. (2013, Jan. 01). Job worth doing: Update descriptions. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Herbert Mead. Analysis Is Mind, Self, Society

Sarah Kuntz 10/4/12 Essay 2: Herbert Mead, Mind, Self, and Society Herbert Gilbert Mead, the author of Mind, Self, and Society, is introduced by Charles w. Morris which gives a perspective to Mead before the accumulation of his essays. Mead was influenced by Charles Darwin and Watson’s behaviorism however he was greatly tilted to Watson’s behaviorism. Although he considered Watson’s views â€Å"oversimplified† he did refer himself to be a behaviorist. Mead goes further to mention, â€Å"the denial of the private nor the neglect of consciousness, but the approach to all experience in terms of conduct. In his essay the Mind, Mead simplifies the approach to understanding the mind in simple building blocks of gestures, symbols and language. Mead was trying to answer the age old question of how the mind arises. His answer was that the, â€Å"Mind arises through communication by a conversion of gestures in a social process or context of experience-not communic ation through mind† (p 50). These specific gestures then become the symbols and are communicated to others in an idea. Due to this communication is a constant adjustment to others and to their reactions.The future communication becomes more eminent in the beginning of actions and reactions constantly occurring. In the essay the Self, the mind gives way (in the actions and reactions) to language and symbols which then possible for development. This development is our self and reference point for certain events in our lives, emotions and different sensations (p. 136). Mead goes on to discuss how the self does arise, â€Å"it arises through play, and games and the idea of generalized other. That organized community gives the individual his â€Å"unity of self† and the attitude of generalized other is that of the whole community† (p. 155).Mead is explaining that our entire self reflects the tweaking of our self to match society. Furthermore, the final essay the Socie ty, he brings accumulation of ideas of the mind and the self to relate it to society. Mead mentions that insects base their societies on physiological differences unlike the man who bases society on those around him. Man is seen to constantly change his environment by the way he uses it and create a community by a common language. What one does is defined by others, such as religion or economics. Both of these call for enormous amounts of identification and needs an audience to acknowledge this identification.So as far as he is a self, and part of a community and his contribution is must be social (p. 324). Personally I understand Mead’s views on how the mind can be somewhat defined by behaviors into chain reactions. However this leaves the concept of deception and lying in behaviors. At times there is more to what meets the eye, and what is said and understood has multiple meanings. The human mind is so complex and defining it to just one behavior would still be simplifying the concept. I do agree with Mead on the concept of society. Society plays a very important role which man will always for the most part, mirror his actions.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Night World : Soulmate Chapter 8

Hannah sat up in bed, gasping. For several moments she didn't know where she was. Through a gap in her curtains she could see the gray light of dawn-just like Hana's gray dawn-and she thought she still might be in the nightmare. But then, slowly, objects in the room became clear. Her bookshelves, crammed with books and crowned with one near-perfect trilobite fossil on a stand. Her dresser, its top piled with things that belonged in other places. Her posters of Velociraptor and T. Rex. I'm me. I remember me. She had never been so happy to be herself, or to be awake. But that dream she'd just had-that had happened to her. A long time ago, sure, but nothing like so long ago as, say, when the T. Rex had been alive. Not to mention the trilobite. A few thousand years was yesterday to Mother Earth. And it was all real, she knew that now. She accepted it. She had fallen asleep and her subconscious had pulled back the veil of the past and allowed her to see more of Hana's story. Thierry, she thought. The people of Hana's clan tortured him. God knows for how long-I'm just glad I didn't have to watch more. But it puts sort of a different twist on things, doesn't it? She still didn't know how the story ended. She wasn't sure she wanted to know. But it was hard to blame him for whatever had happened afterward. An awful feeling was settling in Hannah's stomach. All those things I said to him-terrible things, she thought. Why did I say all that? I was so angry-I lost control completely. I hated him and all I cared about was hurting him. I really thought he must be evil, pure evil. I told him to go away forever. How could I have done that? He's my soulmate. There was a strange emptiness inside her, as if she'd been hollowed out like a tree struck by lightning. Inside the emptiness, a voice like a cool dark wind whispered, But you told Paul that he kept killing you over and over. Is that justifiable? He's a vampire, a predator, and that makes him evil by nature. Maybe he can't help being what he is, but there's no reason for you to be destroyed again because of it. Are you going to let him kill you in this life, too? She was torn between pity for him and the deep instinct that he was dangerous. The cool wind voice seemed to be the voice of reason. Go ahead and feel sorry for him, it said. Just keep him far away from you. She felt better having come to a decision, even if it was a decision that left her heart numb. She glanced around the room, focused on the clock by her bedside, and blinked. Oh, my God-school. It was quarter to seven and it was a Friday. Sacaja-wea High seemed light-years away, like someplace she'd visited in a past life. But it's not. It's your life, now, the only one that counts. You have to forget all that other stuff about reincarnation and vampires and the Night World. You have to forget about him. You sent him away and he's gone. So let's get on with living in the normal world. Just thinking this way made her feel braced and icy, as if she'd had a cold shower. She took a real shower, dressed in jeans and a denim shirt, and she had breakfast with her mother, who cast her several thoughtful glances but didn't ask any questions until they were almost finished. Then she said, â€Å"Did everything go all right at Dr. Winfield's yesterday evening?† Had it only been yesterday evening? It seemed like a week ago. Hannah chewed a bite of cornflakes and finally said, â€Å"Uh, why?† â€Å"Because he called while you were in the shower. He seemed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Her mother stopped and searched for a word. â€Å"Anxious. Worse than worried but not as bad as hysterical.† Hannah looked at her mother's face, which was narrow, intelligent, and tanned by the Montana sun. Her eyes were more blue than Hannah's gray, but they were direct and discerning. She wanted to tell her mother the whole story- but when she had time to do it, and after she'd had . time to think it out. There was no urgency. It was all behind her now, and it wasn't as if she needed advice. â€Å"Paul's anxious a lot,† she said judiciously, sticking to the clean edge of truth. â€Å"I think that's why he became a psychologist. He tried a sort of hypnosis thing on me yesterday and it didn't exactly work out.† â€Å"Hypnosis?† Her mother's eyebrows lifted. â€Å"Hannah, I don't know if you should be getting into that-â€Å" â€Å"Don't worry; I'm not. It's over. We're not going to try it again.† â€Å"I see. Well, he said for you to call him to set up another appointment. I think he wants to see you soon.† She reached over suddenly and took Hannah's hand. â€Å"Honey, are you feeling any better? Are you still having bad dreams?† Hannah looked away. â€Å"Actually-I sort of had one last night. But I think I understand them better now. They don't scare me as much.† She squeezed her mother's hand. â€Å"Don't worry, I'm going to be fine.† â€Å"All right, but-† Before her mother could finish the sentence a horn honked outside. â€Å"That's Chess. I'd better run.† Hannah gulped down the dregs of her orange juice and dashed into her bedroom to grab her backpack. She hesitated a split second by the wastebasket, then shook her head. No. There was no reason to take the black rose ring with her. It was his, and she didn't want to be reminded of him. She slung the backpack over her shoulder, yelled goodbye to her mother, and hurried outside. Chess's car was parked in the driveway. As Hannah started toward it she had an odd impression. She seemed to see a figure standing behind the car-a tall figure, face turned toward her. But her eyes were dazzled by the sun and at that instant she involuntarily blinked. When she could see again, there was nothing in that spot except a little swirl of dust. â€Å"You're late,† Chess said when Hannah got in the car. Chess, whose real name was Catherine Clovis, was petite and pretty, with dark hair cut in a cap to frame her face. But just now her slanted green cat eyes and Mona Lisa smile reminded Hannah too much of Ket. It was disconcerting; she had to glance down to make sure Chess wasn't wearing a deerskin outfit. â€Å"You okay?† Now Chess was looking at her with concern. â€Å"Yeah.† Hannah sank back against the upholstery, blinking. â€Å"I think I need to get my eyes checked, though.† She glanced at the spot where the phantom figure had been-nothing. And Chess was just Chess: smart, savvy, and faintly exotic, like an orchid blooming in the badlands. â€Å"Well, you can do it when we go shopping this weekend,† Chess said. She slanted Hannah a glance. â€Å"We must go shopping. Next week's your birthday and I need something new to wear.† Hannah grinned in spite of herself. â€Å"Maybe a new necklace,† she muttered. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Nothing.† I wonder what happened to Ket, she thought. Even if Hana died young, at least Ket must have grown up. I wonder if she married Ran, the guy who wanted to â€Å"mate† her? â€Å"Are you sure you're okay?† Chess said. â€Å"Yeah. Sorry; I'm a little brain-dead. I didn't sleep well last night.† Her plan for Chess was exactly the same as for her mother. Tell her everything-in a little while. When she was less upset about it. Chess was putting an arm around her, steering skillfully with the other. â€Å"Hey, we've got to get you in shape, kid. I mean, first it's your birthday, then graduation. Isn't that psychologist doing anything to help?† Hannah muttered, â€Å"Maybe too much.† That night, she was restless again. The school day had passed uneventfully. Hannah and her mother had had dinner peacefully. But after her mother went out to a meeting with some local rockhounds, Hannah found herself wandering around the house, too wound up to read or watch TV, too distracted to go anywhere. Maybe I need some air, she thought-and then she caught herself and gave a self-mocking grin. Sure. Air. When what you're really thinking is that he just might be out there. Admit it. She admitted it. Not that she thought Thierry was very likely to be hanging around her backyard, considering what she'd said to him. And why should you want to talk to him? she demanded of herself. He may not be completely and totally and pointlessly evil, but he's still no boy scout. But she couldn't shake a vague feeling of wanting to go outside. At last she went out on the porch, telling herself that she'd spend five minutes here and then go back inside. It was another beautiful night, but Hannah couldn't enjoy it. Everything reminded her too much of him. She could feel herself softening toward him, weakening. He had looked so stricken, so devastated, when she told him to go away†¦. â€Å"Am I interrupting?† Hannah started. She wheeled toward the voice. Standing on the other side of the porch was a tall girl. She looked a year or so older than Hannah, and she had long hair, very long hair, so black that it seemed to reflect moonlight like a raven's wing. She was extraordinarily beautiful-and Hannah recognized her. She's the one from my vision. That flash of a girl telling me that Thierry was cunning. She's the one who warned me about him. And she's the figure I saw behind Chess's car this morning. She must have been watching me then. â€Å"I'm sorry if I scared you,† the girl said now, smiling. â€Å"You looked so far away, and I didn't mean to startle you. But I'd really like to talk to you if you have a few minutes.† â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hannah felt strangely tongue-tied. Something about the girl made her uncomfortable, in a way that went beyond the dreamlike weirdness of recognizing somebody she'd never seen in her present life. But she's your friend, she told herself. She's helped you in the past; she probably wants to help you again now. You should be grateful to her. â€Å"Sure,† Hannah said. â€Å"We can talk.† She added somewhat awkwardly, â€Å"I remember you.† â€Å"Wonderful. Do you really? That makes everything so much easier.† Hannah nodded. And told herself again that this girl was her friend, and nobody to be hostile to or wary of. â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The girl glanced around the porch, where there was dearly no place to sit. â€Å"Ah†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hannah was embarrassed, as if the girl had asked, â€Å"Do you entertain all your visitors outside?† She turned around and opened the back door. â€Å"Come on in. We can sit down.† â€Å"Thank you,† the girl said and smiled. In the bright fluorescent lights of the kitchen, she was even more beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. Exquisite features, skin like silk. Lips that made Hannah think of adjectives like full and ripe. And eyes that were like nothing Hannah had ever seen before. They were large, almond-shaped, heavy-lashed, and luminous. But it wasn't just that. Every time Hannah looked, they seemed to be a different color. They changed from honey to mahogany to jungle-leaf green to larkspur purple to misty blue. It was amazing. â€Å"If you remember me, then you must know what I'm here about,† the girl said. She rested an elbow on the kitchen table and propped her chin on her fist. Hannah said one word. â€Å"Thierry.† â€Å"Yes, From the way you say that, maybe you don't need my advice after all.† The girl had an extraordinary voice as well; low and pleasant, with a faint husky throb in it. Hannah lifted her shoulders. â€Å"Well, there's still a lot I don't know about him-but I don't need anybody to tell me that he's dangerous. And I've already told him to go away.† â€Å"Have you really? How remarkably brave of you.† Hannah blinked. She hadn't thought of it as being so brave. â€Å"I mean, you do realize how powerful he is? He's a Lord of the Night World, the head of all the made vampires. He could†-the girl snapped her fingers- â€Å"call out a hundred little vampires and werewolves. Not to mention his connection with the witches in Las Vegas.† â€Å"What are you trying to say? That I shouldn't have told him to go away? I don't care how many monsters he can call out,† Hannah said sharply. â€Å"No. Of course you don't. Like I said, you're brave.† The girl regarded her with eyes the deep purple of bittersweet nightshade. â€Å"I just want you to realize what he's capable of. He could have this whole county wiped out. He can be very cruel and very childish-if he doesn't get what he wants he'll simply go into a rage.† â€Å"And does he do that a lot-go into rages?† â€Å"All the time, unfortunately.† I don't believe you. The thought came to Hannah suddenly. She didn't know where it came from, but she couldn't ignore it. There was something about this girl that bothered her, something that felt like a greasy stone held between the fingers. That felt like a lie. â€Å"Who are you?† she said directly. When the girl's eyes-now burnt sienna-lifted to hers this time, she held them. â€Å"I mean, why are you so interested in me? Why are you even here, in Montana, where I am? Is it just a coincidence?† â€Å"Of course not. I came because I knew that he was about to find you again. I'm interested in you* because-well, I've known Thierry since his childhood, before he became a vampire, and I feel a certain obligation to stop him.† She smiled, meeting Hannah's steady gaze easily. â€Å"And my name †¦ is Maya.† She said the last words slowly, and she seemed to be watching Hannah for a reaction. But the name didn't mean anything to Hannah. And Hannah simply couldn't figure out whether this girl called Maya was lying or not. â€Å"I know you've warned me about Thierry before,† she said, trying to gather her thoughts. â€Å"But I don't remember anything about it except you telling me. I don't even know what you are-I mean, are you somebody who's been reincarnated like me? Or are you†¦ ?† She left the question open-ended. As a matter of fact, she knew Maya wasn't human; no human was so eerily beautiful or supernaturally graceful. If Maya claimed she was, Hannah would know for sure it was a deception. â€Å"I'm a vampire,† Maya said calmly and without hesitation. â€Å"I lived with Thierry's tribe in the days when you lived with the Three Rivers clan. In fact, I'm the one who actually made him into a vampire. I shouldn't have done it; I should have realized he was one of those people who couldn't handle it. But I didn't know he'd go crazy and become†¦ what he is.† She looked off into the distance. â€Å"I suppose that's why I feel responsible for him,† she finished softly. Then she looked back at Hannah. â€Å"Any other questions?† â€Å"Hundreds,† Hannah said. â€Å"About the Night World, and about what's happened to me in past lives-â€Å" â€Å"And I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to answer most of them. There are rules against talking about the Night World-and anyway, it's safer for you not to know. As for your past lives, well, you don't really want to know what he's done to you each time, do you? It's too gruesome.† She leaned forward, looking at Hannah earnestly. â€Å"What you should do now is put the past behind you and forget about all this. Try to have a happy future.† It was exactly what Hannah had decided to do earlier. So why did she feel like bristling now? She weighed different responses and finally said, â€Å"If he wants to kill me so much, why didn't he just do it last night? Instead of talking to me.† â€Å"Oh, my dear child.† The tone was slightly patronizing, but seemed genuinely pitying. â€Å"He wants you to love him first, and then he kills you. I know, it's sick, it's twisted, but it's the way he is. He seems to think it has to be that way, since it was that way the first time. He's obsessed.† Hannah was silent. Nothing inside her stood up to say that this was a lie. And the idea that Thierry was obsessed certainly rang true. At last she said slowly, â€Å"Thank you for coming to warn me. I do appreciate it.† â€Å"No, you don't,† Maya said. â€Å"I wouldn't either if someone came to tell me things I didn't want to hear. But maybe someday you will thank me.† She stood. â€Å"I hope we won't have to meet again.† Hannah walked her to the back door and let her out. On the porch, Maya turned. â€Å"He really is insane, you know!† she said. â€Å"You'll probably begin to have, doubts again. But he's obsessive and unstable, just like any stalker; and he's really capable of anything. Don't be fooled.† â€Å"I don't think I'm ever going to see him again,† Hannah said, unreasonably annoyed. â€Å"So it's going to be kind of hard to fool me.† Maya smiled, nodded, then did the disappearing act. Just as Thierry had, she turned and simply melted into the night. Hannah stared out into the darkness for a minute or so. Then she went back into the kitchen and called Paul Winfield's number. She got his answering machine. â€Å"Hi, this is Hannah, and I got your message about making another appointment. I was wondering if we could maybe do it tomorrow-or anyway some time over the weekend. And†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She hesitated, wondering if it was something she should say in person, then shrugged. Might as well give him time to prepare. â€Å"And I'd like to do another regression. There are some things I want to figure out.† She felt better after she hung up. One way or another, she would get at the truth. She headed into her bedroom with a faint, grim smile. And stopped dead on the threshold. Thierry was sitting on her bed. For a moment Hannah stood frozen. Then she said sharply, â€Å"What are you doing here?† At the same time, she glanced around the room to see how he had gotten in. The windows were shut and only opened from inside. He must have walked in while I was in the kitchen talking with Maya. â€Å"I had to see you,† Thierry said. He looked- strange. His dark eyes seemed hot somehow, as if he were burning inside. His face was tense and grim. â€Å"I told you to keep away from me.† Hannah kept fear out of her voice-but she was scared. There was a sort of electricity in the air, but it wasn't a good electricity. It was purely dangerous. â€Å"I know you did, and I tried. But I can't stay away, Hannah. I just can't. It makes me †¦ crazy.† And with that, he stood up. Hannah's heart seemed to jump into her throat and stay there, pounding hard. She fought to keep her face calm. He's fast, a little voice in her head seemed to say, and with relief she recognized the dark wind voice, the cool voice of reason. There's no point in running from him, because he can catch you in a second. â€Å"You have to understand,† Thierry was saying. â€Å"Please try to understand. I need you. We were meant to be together. Without you, I'm nothing.† He took a step toward her. His eyes were black and fathomless, and Hannah could almost feel their heat. Obsessed, yes, she thought. Maya was right. He may jut on a good front, but underneath he's just plain crazy. like any stalker. â€Å"Say you understand,† Thierry said. He reached a pleading hand toward her. â€Å"I understand,† Hannah said grimly. â€Å"And I still want you to go away.† â€Å"I can't. I have to make sure we'll be together, the way we were meant to be. And there's only one way to do that.† There was something different about his mouth, Two delicate fangs were protruding, indenting .his lower lip. Hannah felt a cold fist dose over her heart. â€Å"You have to join the Night World, Hannah. You have to become like me. I promise you, once it's over, you'll be happy.† â€Å"Happy?† A wave of sickening revulsion swept over Hannah. â€Å"As a monster like you? I was happy before you ever showed up. I'd be happy if you'd just keep out of my life forever. I-â€Å" Stop talking! The cool wind voice was screaming at her, but Hannah was too overwrought to listen. â€Å"You're disgusting. I hate you. And nothing can j ever make me love you ag-â€Å" She didn't get to finish. In one swift movement, he was in front of her. And then he grabbed her.